The land was heated & the nearby pond was drying up due to the warm sun & hot air. It had been months since the clouds drenched. Everything seemed tired. The fishes were crying to fill the pond, but it was much futile. The white birds & the blue ones too, were haunted by the summer trying to eat some dry fish. The wind was filled by the city dust & lacked coolness. 

                Finally, it rained that night!

The earth seemed to be fulfilled & the smell of the mud was extravagant. Yellow flowers were all on the path & purple flowers on the waters in the corner of the little pond. It seemed like a pointing to one's eyes. The air had become cool & the clouds covered the hot sun. In that shade, to look at the sky was a great delight. The heavens met the horizons & the children played with joy. The lovers met in the park whose leaves were filled with water droplets. There was often lightning, without thunder; just like silence which can never be described. It comes uninvited & leaves unnoticed. In that deep silence only can one literally see time stop. Such a moment is filled with love & lights up one's being. 

In this, can one really be free. TO BE FREE IS THE HIGHEST VIRTUE. It has its own delicacy & perfume. To have this is the GREATEST BENEDICTION OF THE CREATED & THE UNCREATED.


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