I TOO, SHALL DIE.............
That fine day, there shall be no morning walk, or long yoga practices to keep himself stiff, steady, energetic and healthy. The tender grass won't be sad, for he shan't tread on it. The birds might try to find him for they love his poetry, and the brown dog might miss the comfortable scratch below its neck and on its back! The flowers await for the boy who carries their fragrance to his guru's feet and they too wither away. The fishes miss his gentle touch, though they swim away showing off they don't miss him. The blue skies and the waters beyond where the boy used to gaze feels without attention for he was a beholder of the beauty and colour with all depth and height. When he was around there was a certain enchantment, a rare ambience of peace and joy. Dreams, too die, along with him, for they were alive in his tender eyes which could dream, vivid dreams and see great visions.
All that was his was now anonymous and his people too shall cry, but not for long as they too know everyone shall die and this too, shall pass. Maybe his mother, shall cry more, for he was her only world, she did all and more, for a child to grow up like him. His granny might be disheartened, for he cared for her like nobody did. His lover, deserted or isolated, too shall cry for he was filled with mischief, joy, laughter, romance and passion. His friends, surprised and his enemies, shocked, might feel bad, for he was there always for them when they needed him, before they even asked . His students and his acquaintance, shall talk about him after he's gone, for he spoke to them like nobody did. His things might miss him too, for he never took proper care about them but they always made sure he found them when he wanted to!
Above all, his breath merged with the light wind which roamed the earth, where his body was buried or burnt, for who knows what happens after you die. His heartbeat merged with the unheard voice of silence and his voice, stopped which was ever heard to someone or the other. His hairs were concerned for his hands which became still could not make it proper as his brows were touching to it. The eyes closed, looking up, trying to see the skies one last time, his last thought whispered, Oh! The sky, how beautiful it is, just like my lover's love. His life, finally had to seek the master's feet to dissolve in that infinite bliss, for his breath, his body, his bonding and his being always said, "To know, the bliss that is life, you must know the bliss that is me".
O' Gracious One,
I've left my family at the dinner table,
I've left my friends in the playground,
I've left my lover to watch over my pets.
Now that, I have come to seek, don't hide.
I have danced enough,
I have sung sufficient,
I have written well,
Now, let me rest.
He was a great gambler, he gambled away everything, that he won with life.
That is the beauty of death, it gives you no time, for you might give it all.
He lived long, but died young, for he was swift and brisk. This day, too came.......
This is the day, I too shall die................
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